2016 Mendocino County Arts Champion in Education: Pavlos Mayakis

Pavlos Mayakis, 2016 Arts Champion in the Education category, is an instructor at Mendocino College in Fort Bragg, coordinator of the Fiber Arts programs at the Mendocino Art Center, and a board member of Pacific Textile Arts. Besides selling his own art, Pavlos teaches classes in surface design at the college and in special textile techniques at the Mendocino Art Center. He is continually promoting education in art, textiles, and mixed media, led a committee to select a new logo for Pacific Textile Arts, continues to take classes himself, and brings renowned artists as guest teachers in his classes. Best of all, he thoroughly enjoys his many artistic endeavors and extends his enthusiasm to others. Pavlos is also the first recipient of the Socially Engaged Practices Grant awarded by the Surface Design Association for his Sustainable Napkin Project which advocates for the carrying and use of cloth napkins in the hopes of reducing the 1 billion tons of paper napkins that currently end up in our land fills.