THEME: CROSSING THE LINE Pacific  Textile  Arts  in  conjunction  with Partners  Gallery,  North  Coast  Artists Gallery  and  Edgewater  Gallery  will participate in this themed show in March. Dates: March 4, 2016 – March 26,2016PTA will hang the show Wednesday March 2, 2016 at 10:30 A.M.You may deliver work at the Guild meeting Saturday Feb. 27, 2016 or Wednesday March 2 at 10:30 a.m.  Please have all work labeled and ready for hanging. You may pick up your work at the guild meeting Saturday March 26, or Wednesday March 30 when the next show will be hung. All textile work related to the concept

Free to Pacific Textile Arts Members.  All welcome, donations appreciated INTRODUCING SHANNON WEBER & HER WORK WITH UNCOMMON MATERIALS Shannon Weber from Oregon will be the Guest Artist in Residence at the Mendocino Art Center March 14 - April 30, 2016 and will be holding a 3 day Fiber Mixed Media Sculpture and En-Caustic workshop at the Mendocino Art Center  April 8-10 2016.                                                                    Shannon has been a working full time studio artist and designer for 30 + years and is known for her use of mixing uncommon materials with several layers of weaving, stitching, and cold connections. She has been featured in Fine Arts publications such as  Surface

Jason is giving a workshop March 26-29 on 4-end Blockweave Structures. FREE TALK SAT MARCH 26th at PTArts GUILD MEETING 11am – noon 4-end blockweave (taquete), is an extremely versatile structure for rug weaving. Offering many of the design possibilities that are achievable in 3-end blockweave,  it is none the less visually very different. The threading allows for plain weave and this means we can explore summer and winter in this class, opening up a whole new range of design options.

Tuesday 1-4pm
Wednesday 10:30am-noon
Thursday 1-4pm
Saturday: 11am-1pm
& by appointment

450 Alger St. Fort Bragg CA 95437 707-409-6811