2019 Brings new class opportunities
SCHEDULED: ------------------- January 19th - Beginning Kumihimo with Jackie Wollenberg NOW FULL - If you want to be put on a Wait List – call the PTArts office and leave a message 707-409-6811 OF SPECIAL INTEREST -- AT MAC (Mendocino Art Center) APRIL 11-15 Natural Dyes of Old - the primary palette PLANNED: Contact PTArts to indicate interest ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- DOUBLE WEAVE with Adriane Nicolaisen
December bring to the Gallery …
PTArts MEMBER HOLIDAY SALE Wednesdays, 10:30-12, Thursdays 1:30-3:30, or Saturdays, 11-1:00 Through December 15th 11:30 Saturday December 15, 2018 PTArts MEMBERSHIP HOLIDAY POTLUCK SOCIAL 707-409-6811