Class: Basketweavers in Action
Tuition: $795
Payment options:
$397.50 Balance Due CLICK HERE
$397.50 Balance due prior to first class
$795 Full tuition– includes a 50% non-refundable deposit
*This class is full. Please email if you would like to be added to the waitlist. If someone drops out or we can add additional places we will contact you in order of receipt of your email. Thank you!
Class Dates: 3 days – Friday – Sunday October 20-22, 2023
Times: 9:30 – 4:30 with 1 hour lunch 12:30-1:30
NOTE: Saturday’s class will include a talk at 9:30 AM with the Parker family
PTArts Members are invited
Place: Pacific Textile Arts classroom
Email: for more information.
Number of Students: Minimum 10, Max 15 students
Materials fee: Cost for tule is included in the class fee.
Materials List: Each student must have: own water container or small bucket/ a water tray for the tule to soak/spray bottle/small hand towel/sharp scissors/metal awl.
Class Description: Traditional uses of basket materials, collecting techniques, twining uses and the practices of California basketmaking and cultures.
NOTE: Your tuition may be transferred to another person if something comes up and you cannot attend the class. *In the event that Pacific Textile Arts needs to cancel the class, all deposits and payments will be refunded.
Julia & Lucy Parker:
Julia F. Parker PHD is a renowned Pomo Basketmaker who was the cultural ambassador and basketmaker at Yosemite National Park’s cultural center for many years. Her life history and career is bio can be found here on wikipedia. Her book, Scrape the Willow Until it Sings: The Words and Work of Basketmaker Julia Parker is available on Amazon.
Lucy Parker lives in Lee Vining on the eastern side of the Sierra: she is descended from the Kashaya Pomo, Yosemite Miwok, Mono Lake Paiute and Coast Miwok people. Lucy is proudly; named after her Father, Ralph’s Grandmother, Lucy Parker Telles most famous for her traditional knowledge and oversize baskets housed in the Yosemite Museum as their primary collection. Lucy is the successor in a long line of Basket Makers and is also a well-known well-respected basket maker along with her mother Julia Parker.
Lucy and Julia teach basket making and work as cultural demonstrators of traditional knowledge throughout the United States. Lucy demonstrates and teaches at Yosemite National Park and the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. Lucy works with all weaving traditions, researches and contributes to education in all weaving styles. Most recently she has worked as a consultant for the Southwest Indian Museum and Great Basin Weavers of Nevada at their Gathering in Carson City.
Lucy and her mother Julia have demonstrated and taught nation wide and continue to travel throughout the United States educating and promoting the importance of learning and keeping cultural knowledge and basket making skills, alive and healthy. Their work in promoting these time honored traditions has helped to establish this art form and educate the public in these respected and honored traditions of California Native people.
Active in all Native issues, Lucy works with Park services and Land management organizations educating the public and government agencies about the protection and preservation of traditional land management for weaving and gathering sites. Lucy also organizes and is a Guide for The Mono Lake-Yosemite Elders sixty-five mile traditional walk over the Sierras, currently celebrating its 27th anniversary.