Jan 5 2025 - Jan 5 2025

May 31 & June 1 – Adventures in Sculptural Needlefelting

  • Jan 5 2025 - Jan 5 2025


Two days exploring the Adventures in Sculptural Needle Felting with Corbin Brashear

Come Saturday, Sunday or both!
Sat May 31, 2025: Song Birds and Owls
Time: 12noon-4pm
Tuition: (Saturday only) – Members $70, Non-Members $90
Materials fee for Saturday class: $10 paid directly to the teacher.

Sunday June 1st – All about Armatures–Dragon Making 101
Time: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Tuition: (Sunday only) – Members $80, Non-Members $100

Materials fee for Saturday class: $10 paid directly to the teacher.

Both Saturday & Sunday Classes:
Tuition for both days: Members $130, Non-Members $150
Min/Max Students 5/15
Materials fee: for both classes, $20 paid directly to the teacher.

Sat May 31, 2025: Song Birds and Owls
Come explore the wonders of the felting needle as you create a songbird or owl of your choice. Using a felting needle and wool, you will learn everything you need to know to embark on further felting adventures. This class is appropriate for all skill levels and a great introduction to needle felting fundamentals. 3 hours.

Sunday June 1st – All about Armatures–Dragon Making 101
We will create fantastic dragons as we explore the use of armatures in needle felting sculptures. Class is intermediate level but beginners are welcome to give it a try!! Recommend bird class as a prerequisite if possible. (5 hour teaching time class with hour break in middle.)

Students should bring: Although I provide everything all wool, needles and foam, and will bring lots of found natural objects to work with including feathers, kelp, driftwood, lichen and shells. Please bring interesting driftwood, kelp etc to weave in if you want.

BIO: Corbin Brashear is a fiber artist and teacher who creates whimsical mixed media sculptures, masks and tapestries using found natural objects and needle felted wool. Her work is profoundly shaped by the rugged wilderness of her Siskiyou mountain home where she finds many of her materials that get incorporated into her work. She shows her work in galleries and juried art shows around the West Coast as well as leading art retreats, workshops and residencies in schools for the past 20 years. She is a shameless proselytizer of the gospel of needle felting and loves sharing its limitless artistic freedom to help nurture and inspire ones’s creative life.


Facebook & Instagram: @wildandwoolyfeltworks


Questions: Email classes@pacifictextilearts.org


Class - Felting Whimical Creatures with Corbin Brashear

Class – Adventures in Sculptural Needlefelting with Corbin Brashear



Prefer to pay by check?
Download the form here

TUITION: $130/Members $150/Non-Members (both days), Saturday: $70/Members $90/Non-Members, Sunday: $80/Members $100/Non-Members
Tuitions include a 20% non-refundable deposit up to a maximum of $50. If you have not paid your 2025 membership yet and would like to take this and future 2025 classes at the member price, become a member before you register. It’s only $15/yr & you can JOIN HERE

CLASS POLICIES: By signing up for this class you are agreeing to our cancellation policy. Please read before registering.

Your tuition, or balance if you are making payments, is due 15 days before the first day of class. At this point we have committed to paying the teacher whether you attend or not. Tuition is subject to the cancellation policies below and includes non-refundable deposit of 20% of the class fee up to a maximum of $50 to hold your space in the class.

If the minimum number of students is not met, or for any reason Pacific Textile Arts or the teacher must cancel the class, your tuition including deposits will be refunded or you may credit them toward a future class.


Full refund terms: If you cancel more than 30 days before the start of class you may receive a full refund minus the non-refundable, non-exchangeable deposit, or you may request a credit minus the non-refundable deposit toward a future class within 1 year.

Credit toward a future class: If you cancel between 30 days and two weeks before the start of class you may request a credit toward a future class minus the non-refundable deposit.

If you cancel within two weeks of the start of class, including if you have an illness or emergency, tuitions are non-refundable unless the minimum number of students can be met without your presence OR you are able to find a replacement for your space. Only then may you request a credit toward a future class minus the non-refundable deposit. 

No Shows – No refunds or credits will be given.

These policies have been revised in an effort to ensure, as an all-volunteer organization, that we provide a full roster of classes, offer reasonable tuitions, and guarantee our teachers will receive full payment for their work. By signing up for this class, you are agreeing to the above policies.

If you need clarification on these policies, please email classes@pacifictextilearts.org prior to registering for the class.

Tuesday 1-4pm
Wednesday 10:30am-noon
Thursday 1-4pm
Saturday: 11am-1pm
& by appointment

450 Alger St. Fort Bragg CA 95437 707-409-6811