Textile Study Collections

Curated by Lolli Jacobsen & co-curator Arianne Rand

Pacific Textile Arts has a new, dedicated gallery for our Textile Study Collection. Stop by to see what’s on display this month. Along with rotating shows that highlight our various collections, watch our calendar. for regular docent-led talks by Arianne and Lolli.

The PTArts Textile Study Collection started with the donation of largely ‘ethnic’ textiles that Lolli Jacobsen has amassed to illustrate aspects of the Textile History class she taught.  These pieces were collected at thrift shops, conferences and stores, received as gifts, and collected while traveling over 50 years.  The original collection has been augmented by generous donations from individuals and estates.

With the help of resources in the PTArts library and individuals with expertise in the community Lolli is documenting the collection. Volunteers are welcome to help with this effort and will receive individual instruction about the textiles being worked on and/or exhibited. The collection is available by appointment and occasional gallery shows.  Contact Lolli at textilecollection@pacifictextilearts.org


This video highlights Lolli talking informally with visitors about these special textiles from around the world on January 15, 2025. Join her on the first and third Saturdays in February and March, 2025 from 1-4 to hear about those upcoming exhibits. To see more textile talks and videos visit our Video page

Tuesday 1-4pm
Wednesday 10:30am-noon
Thursday 1-4pm
Saturday: 11am-1pm
& by appointment

450 Alger St. Fort Bragg CA 95437 707-409-6811